Top Job search barriers for immigrants

Here are 10 important statistics related to barriers affecting immigrant professionals landing jobs in the US and Canada, supported by research from Gartner:

  • Underemployment Rate: According to Gartner, immigrant professionals in the US and Canada face an underemployment rate nearly double that of native-born professionals, with up to 40% of immigrants working in jobs below their skill level.
  • Credential Recognition: Approximately 30% of immigrants experience challenges related to the recognition of their foreign credentials, hindering their ability to secure employment commensurate with their qualifications.
  • Language Proficiency: Research indicates that language barriers significantly impact immigrant professionals, with around 25% citing language proficiency as a major obstacle to accessing job opportunities.
  • Cultural Integration: Nearly 20% of immigrant professionals struggle with cultural integration in the workplace, leading to feelings of isolation and difficulty in navigating organizational dynamics.
  • Networking Challenges: Gartner reports that networking barriers affect around 35% of immigrant professionals, limiting their access to professional connections and opportunities for career advancement.
  • Bias and Discrimination: Studies show that up to 15% of immigrant professionals encounter bias and discrimination during the job search process, particularly in industries with low diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Lack of Canadian or US Experience: Approximately 25% of immigrant professionals face challenges due to the perceived lack of Canadian or US work experience, despite possessing relevant skills and qualifications.
  • Access to Mentorship: Research indicates that only 10-15% of immigrant professionals have access to mentorship programs tailored to their needs, limiting their ability to receive guidance and support in navigating the local job market.
  • Employer Perception: Around 20% of immigrant professionals report facing negative perceptions from employers regarding their immigration status, which can impact their confidence and employability.
  • Educational Attainment Disparities: Gartner findings suggest that immigrant professionals with advanced degrees experience disparities in educational attainment recognition, leading to mismatches between qualifications and job requirements.
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